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Kingsleigh Primary School


At Kingsleigh Primary School, we have clear and consistent expectations of the children. These expectations are designed to support children in their learning as well as the way they work with others: their peers and adults.

These expectations are outlined in the Kingsleigh Way.  The Kingsleigh Way is a curriculum of behaviours based on our key values: Rizzy Respect, Planet Belonging and Astro Aspiration.

We teach this curriculum in classes, across year groups and in assemblies. This means that we share clear messages with all children about how they need to behave in school and the community.

Why not KPS?
We have high expectations of all our children; the behaviours in the Kingsleigh Way have been chosen to support them as life-long learners and successful adults.

Kingsleigh Primary School aims to educate the whole child. This is most successful when parents, staff and children work together.


As I child at KPS, I will:

  • Follow the KPS way!
  • Remember to tell an adult if we are hurt or upset.
  • Recognise that we are in control of our own behaviour; other people doing the wrong thing does not mean we should do the wrong thing.
  • Show respect to everyone in our school.
  • Support everyone and help them to know that they belong.
  • Aspire to be the best possible versions of ourselves.


As a staff at KPS, we will:

  • Provide a caring ethos with high expectations of all children for work and behaviour.
  • Keep safe and supervise your child whilst they are at school.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Signpost families to additional multi-agency support.
  • Provide the opportunity for your child to achieve success through academic, creative, social or sporting activities.
  • Model positive and professional behaviour.
  • Deal with incidents that we are made aware of promptly and effectively.
  • Mark and assess your child’s work regularly, giving them feedback to support their learning.
  • Report on the progress of your child.
  • Provide a stimulating and exciting learning environment to meet the needs of all children.
  • Welcome parents into the life of the school and keep you informed about general school matters through meetings and newsletters.

Positive Behaviour Policy 2023-24