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Kingsleigh Primary School


Pre-school Team

Click here to see the Pre-school team

Pre-school Information

We are delighted to welcome you to preschool’s home page. Whether you are interested to find out how to apply for a place or you already have a child in preschool; we hope you find lots of useful information about what we can offer your child.

What can we offer? 

We currently offer 15 (minimum) or 30 funded hours, the term after your child’s third birthday. The sessions are 9am-12pm or 9am-3pm. You are able to do a combination of sessions/days that suit you (subject to availability)

If you would like to apply for a place you will need to fill in a sessions request form, which can be collected from the main school office. Once you have completed the form you will then be informed the half term before the requested start date as to whether your request has been successful. Once a place has been accepted your child will be provided with a date for a settle session and a start date.

We recognise starting a new school can be daunting and we pride ourselves on ensuring your child feels happy and safe at the start of their learning journey.

Why choose us? 

In preschool, not only can we provide a learning environment that is engaging and promotes children’s communication skills and curiosity, we also have the benefit of having access to the excellent facilities in the main school.

The preschool is led by a qualified teacher and supported by an experienced early years team.

A typical day in preschool

Below is an overview of our topic this half term with the areas of learning we are focusing on. Although all areas of learning are supported every day, through a topic we can enhance children’s interests and ignite new interests as they learn about the world around them.  The topic letter will give an insight into the learning that is happening in preschool and ideas about how to support your child at home.

During the day the children explore and learn through play and adult interactions. Our environment supports the children’s interests, the topic we are exploring and story books we are sharing and enjoying together. each week. The experienced team promote the development of language skills, social skills, emotional well-being and independence through modelling, supporting, encouraging and building positive relationships with your child.

Recommended Reading Books for Pre-school

Reading at KPS - Information for parents

If you would like to visit the preschool or have any questions, then please email


Topic Newsletter

 Pre-School Gallery
