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Kingsleigh Primary School

Curriculum Intent

At Kingsleigh Primary School, we have created a curriculum that is engaging and makes meaningful connections to the world around us, preparing children to become successful, aspirational citizens. Providing children with enrichment activities linked to their learning, including educational visits, guest speakers and hands on experiences is key to ensuring that our children not only enjoy their learning across the wider curriculum but also start to see how their learning is linked to life beyond school. Our curriculum supports pupils wider personal development as they begin to develop an understanding of wider social issues and how they can impact every day lives. 


To ensure our curriculum is broad and balanced, we have carefully structured our whole-school learning across Key Stage 1 and 2. Our carefully sequenced curriculum combines acquiring secure subject knowledge alongside learning skills relevant to each subject. During our curriculum lessons, we ensure children are building on prior understanding and allowing for repeated practice. We seek to ensure our children know more and remember more over time. Our high expectations of all children at Kingsleigh extends to our wider curriculum, including those with Special Educational Needs. 


As with all aspects of our school life, our school values of respect, aspiration and belonging help to shape our wider curriculum learning. For example, respect and celebration of different cultures and religions are key themes across many subjects including RE, geography and art.  Aspiration is developed through linking subjects to future careers, inviting community members in to school to talk about their experiences. Belonging is driven through our community outcomes, with children working towards raising awareness of different issues such as the environment.


Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum is designed with subjects being taught weekly to ensure pupils retain knowledge and have regular practise in the subject-specific skills. In order for their to be enough available time within our weekly timetables to give individual subjects the time needed to teach them effectively, some subjects are taught every other half term. This enables us to still revisit and build on prior knowledge effectively. The whole school curriculum design is;


Curriculum lessons vary considerably in their delivery to reflect the skills and knowledge development needed to master each subject. Lesson structure and style will reflect whether the children are developing as, for example, a historian, a scientist or an artist during that time. All lessons focus as much as possible on the practical. We are particularly passionate about children engaging in learning outside the classroom, including using our onsite Forest School. Our passionate subject leaders drive the learning in their area and monitor the delivery and attainment of pupils.