Subject Intent
At Kingsleigh we aim for all pupils to be able to appreciate art in its many forms and gain the skills needed to become confident, young artists. This is done through our carefully planned progressive journey from Reception to Year 6. Supported by the Access Art scheme, we have developed an exciting and varied curriculum where pupils develop an understanding of key techniques in a variety of mediums, whilst also looking at a culturally diverse range of significant artists and designers. Art appreciation skills are modelled and regularly revisited. Over time, children develop their ability to make visual notes in response to an artist's work. At Kingsleigh, we have identified key skills and techniques that are progressively taught and revisited throughout Key Stage 1 and 2; drawing, painting, sculpture and textiles. This offers children the chance to build on their prior knowledge and develop a level of competency in each medium. We believe that every child is creative and can benefit greatly from the experience of participating in art. We believe that the emphasis should be on how success feels for the child rather that how it looks. Art is experiential, and every child will experience it in different ways.
Subject Implementation
During Reception, children begin to develop an understanding of colour, line and form. Together with daily opportunities to improve their gross and fine motor skills, they develop their early art skills through open exploration of 3D modelling, mark making and colour mixing.
Children in Key Stage 1 then build on these skills and start to learn about significant artists, designers and illustrators. In Key Stage 2, children revisit skills already taught, and explore new mediums. We feel that this offers a balance of both the opportunity to build upon prior skills and try something exciting and new.
Children's views on their own art journey is key. In each unit the focus is on what success feels like to them, this encourages self-reflection and a positive view on themselves as an artist.