Subject Intent
We use Purple Mash to support our pupil's development in computing. Our primary aim is to ensure children are safe when using technology, as well as developing a range of skills including coding, spreadsheets and databases.
Subject Implementation
Teachers deliver computing lessons in either our fully equipped computer suite or on class sets of laptops. We follow the Purple Mash programme, with additional work around Internet Safety throughout the year.
Safer Internet
Internet Safety.
Internet safety is a priority in informing our pupils on how to keep safe online. Therefore, online safety lessons are delivered throughout the school year from Pre-school to Year 6. We have also invested in an award-winning resource to ensure our teaching is up-to-date with the ever changing internet: The National College. Our teaching is based around 8 key topics:
Online relationships
Online reputation
Online bullying
Managing online information
Health, well-being and life style
Privacy and security
Copyright and ownership.
We deliver lessons on online safety at the beginning of the school year in the Autumn term, on Safer Internet Day (usually falls in February) and later in the Summer term.