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Kingsleigh Primary School


Subject Intent

At Kingsleigh Primary School, we aim for all our pupils to develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about learning foreign languages. We use the Language Angels French scheme of work and resources to offer a relevant, vibrant and ambitious modern foreign languages curriculum that is both enjoyable and stimulating for all pupils.

Learning French offers our pupils the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the key skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are taught in a way that pupils can use and apply their French learning in a variety of contexts. The intention is that they will be working towards becoming life-long language learners.

Subject Implementation

Our curriculum has been designed to ensure that lessons are carefully sequenced, with clear progression in the teaching of phonics, grammar and vocabulary. There is a strong focus on ensuring pupils learn how to pronounce the sounds in French as well as how to represent these sounds in writing. 

At Kingsleigh, all pupils from Year Three onwards have the opportunity to learn French. Thirty-minute weekly lessons are delivered through a combination of recorded teaching videos from our scheme of work, written activities and interactive games. The emphasis is on active, whole class teaching, with opportunities for children to work individually, with a partner or as part of a small group to complete a task. Pupils build on previous knowledge gradually as their French language lessons continue to revise and consolidate previously taught language.