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Kingsleigh Primary School


Subject Intent

At Kingsleigh, we strive for all pupils to appreciate music, to explore with music and to develop their musical skills. We aim for all children to believe they are musical and have the capability to sing; listen and appraise a wide range of music; to improvise; to compose; and have opportunities for performing regularly. We believe that every child is musical, and this is delivered by teachers focusing on these musical skills. We follow the Charanga Music Scheme that supports these musical attributes using our voices, body percussion, tuned and untuned percussion instruments as well as a variety of more orchestral based instruments. The children will study, learn to appreciate, and respect music from different cultures, religions and countries, including the history behind the music, furthering the children's understanding of the school value 'belonging'. This music scheme focusses on repetition, ensuring the children have opportunities to deepen their own understanding of these skills as they develop as musicians.  

Subject Implementation

During Reception, children learn and sing a variety of songs, including nursery rhymes. They explore with the musical skills; pulse, pitch, dynamics and rhythm, using vocal exploration and have opportunities to play and develop their skills in using both untuned and tuned percussion instruments. The children create their own sounds through improvisation using one or two note patterns. Each lesson will have an element of listening and appraising within it, to become familiar with a musical timeline in history. The children will regularly revisit the musical skills to deepen their understanding through their continuous provision. 

During Key Stage One the children will continue to revisit the musical skills from the Foundation stage and build on their musicianship. The children will gain an understanding for a variety of musical genres including Blues, Latin, Reggae, Pop and more. From this experience the children will begin to notice the musical styles within these and how a genre can change the feel of a piece of music. The musical activities throughout the key stage will continue to embed their understanding of pulse, rhyme, pitch, dynamics and using their voices. Instrumental experience will continue by learning more notes on the stave and composing with these notes. The children will have the opportunity to write down compositions using different forms of notation, using continuous evaluation before an end performance. Listening and appraising will enhance the children’s understanding of music history and begin to recognize music often tells a story. The children will begin to fine tune their memories for songs and be able to sing these with control and accuracy as well as adding to the children’s repertoire. 

Key Stage Two continues this repetitive approach. The children will gain an understanding of where different styles place within the history of music timeline and they will continue to develop their ability to fine tune their knowledge within a musical structure and be able to spot these within the music they listen to.  The children will continue to develop their understanding of reading music alongside learning more notes across a variety of musical instruments and be able to play these with control and accuracy.  Instrumental experience will continue by composing with previously learnt and newly taught notes. The children will have the opportunity to write down compositions using different forms of notation, using continuous evaluation before an end performance. As well as using physical instruments, the children will begin learning about and experimenting with music technology through the use of laptops and iPads. The children’s repertoire of songs will continue to grow along with their understanding of the musical skills; pulse, pitch, dynamics, rhythm, structure, timbre and begin to sing and play in 2 part harmonies. Children will be able to reflect on their own skills and understand how they can improve and develop their own skills in music. The children will have opportunities to share their music in both formal and informal performance structures. We aim for our children to leave Year 6 with a good grounding of all the musical skills and a love for music that we hope will continue in their journeys onto secondary school. 

Music Whole School Overview