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Kingsleigh Primary School


We are very proud to say that over 100 pupils from KS2 have taken part in at least one football fixture this year and we have had over 60 pupils from KS2 take part in different athletic events! Well done to everyone!

Subject Intent

Kingsleigh Primary School PE = Positive Experience for all

At Kingsleigh Primary School we pride ourselves on ensuring children of all ages and abilities take part in a positive, FUN and engaging environment where every individual is able to creatively express themselves through sport and physical activity.

We want our pupils to succeed in a variety of physical activities and offer all children chances to compete in sport and other activities. This helps them build character and our school values of respect and belonging. We offer a wide variety of exciting and unique extra curricular activities such as boxercise, parkour, dodgeball, dance, cricket, tennis, athletics, multi sports & football. There are also opportunities for pupils to take part in sporting competitions, tournaments, leagues,  county championships and festivals/fixtures in the following sports; indoor athletics, quad kids, town sports, multi-skills, cross-country, football, dodgeball, netball, handball, cricket, tennis, tag rugby & water sports.

Subject Implementation

The children have two PE lessons a week, led by our experienced sports coaches. In addition, we encourage and give opportunities to all of our pupils to take part in at least 40 minutes of physical activity every day through varied playtime activities and resources. Our PE coaches work along side our Year 6 Play Leaders and Sports Ambassadors to lead playground games. We are very proud of our sports and play facilities here at Kingsleigh, which enable us to ensure children can engage in many different physical activities in an appropriate environment.

We are committed to ensuring that all children participate in PE and physical activity irrespective of any special educational need(s) or physical disability they may have. We believe that children should have equal access to and participation in a range of physical education activities in order to reach their own potential. Research has shown that children ALL participating in PE together proves better outcomes for ALL. Our lessons are adapted to ensure all children can succeed. 

PE Photo Gallery


Team Sports and Festivals at KPS