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Kingsleigh Primary School


Subject Intent

Our PSHE program aims to enable our children to be healthier, kinder, more respectful citizens. The lessons aim to promote children who value themselves, as well as others around them, as well as how to show value. They highly reflect our school values of respect, belonging and aspiration, by directly teaching the importance of respect for both ourselves and others, the importance of community, whether it be in friendships and families to communities and as global citizens, and of being aspirational, to achieve the best we can for ourselves.  

Subject Implementation

At Kingsleigh Primary School, we follow the Jigsaw programme for PSHE. This encompasses the statutory Health and Relationships curriculum, as well as teaching British values, and promoting thoughtful and respectful learners. The scheme enables progressive learning through enjoyable, thought provoking lessons.  The programme is split into six units, which we follow half termly.

Each unit is taught across the school, ensuring continuity and progression. The units are Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. The statutory mental health, physical health and relationships objectives are taught not only in their named units, but throughout.

Jigsaw also promotes our school values of respect, aspiration and belonging. Children consider the importance of respecting ourselves and others, our roles in the world and with those around us, and to set goals, whilst considering the steps and resilience needed to achieve them.

A guide for parents and carers - PSHE - Mindful Approach

A guide for parents and carers - PSHE - Relationships Education

PSHE/Jigsaw Photo Gallery
