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Kingsleigh Primary School


Communication with parents is one of the most important things we do at Kingsleigh. We want parents to feel included in the Kingsleigh community and be a part of their child/ren’s journey. We will send you information about trips and events in school, what’s happening in your child’s class, contact from teachers about individual needs and incidents. We want to keep you informed every step of the way.


One of our communication tools is MarvellousMe. This allows teachers to send text and photographs about what is happening in class and about your child/rens learning and achievements. You can engage in conversation about your child’s day at school!


This is an email information system that we use at KPS. It’s very secure and allows us to communicate with you via email, book your parents evening, receive letters and pay for trips and events. Please make sure your email is up to date with the school office so we can send you information.


 Please follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with all the exciting events that happen at KPS!


 We have parent teacher consultations through the year – the first in November and the second during the Spring term. If you feel you would like to speak to your child’s teacher – please email office@kingsleighprimary.co.uk to make arrangements for a call.

 We will send you a personalised report about your child/ren’s year towards the end of the summer term.

 Please make sure you sign up to all our communication tools!

marvellousme parent quick reference.pdf