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Kingsleigh Primary School


Reception Team

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Children will have opportunities to learn new vocabulary from a variety of books linked to our theme ‘Construction’. We will be closely watching the changes happening outside and using these as provocations for learning. We will read stories linked to our theme and give opportunities for children to engage to conversations about the books.

Some of our key texts are:


The 'Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle' sessions will continue to help the children to develop the fine motor muscle control they need for writing and drawing. They will learn a new gross motor movement to a piece of music. 

 In our writing, we will be consolidating  the previously learnt graphemes and continuing to work hard to use the correct pencil grip. There will also be lots of opportunities in our continuous provision for mark making,  writing words, writing phrases and building to writing simple sentences using the known high frequency words.


 Through the ‘Little Wandle Phonics’ lessons we will continue to consolidate our phase 2 and 3 phonic knowledge and continue to practise our letter formation. We are learning to blend for reading, segment for spelling and will be practising our tricky words. Keep up your reading and writing at home! It really helps.  The content that we will be learning this term is: 

Reception Reading Flyer



We will be continuing to use  the Early Years Numbersense Maths Programme to continue build on the key skills of subitising, manipulating, and partitioning of numbers to 10.  We will be using a variety of resources such as tens frames, pebbles etc for organising counting to gain a deep understanding of number.  

We will be also exploring 2D shapes and spotting these in our environments and in artwork of Kandinsky and Hundertwasser. Children will have opportunities to talk about the shapes and describe them using everyday language. Through our daily ‘Let’s Practise’ sessions, children will be able to apply  their knowledge by using shapes in artwork.

Other Areas of Learning

Other Areas of the Curriculum

Physical Development

In PE sessions we will be focussing on developing fundamental movement skills.  We will be learning to develop and apply their ball skills with a partner.  In gymnastics we will be learning to develop our jumping skills and rotational movements on the low and large apparatus .

Personal, Social and Emotional Development 

This half term we will have a session with the BCP Road Safety Team. This will be a fun interactive session to support children to learn about being safe near roads.


In our Jigsaw sessions this half term we will be working on the unit ‘Healthy Happy Me’.  In this unit we will be learning how to keep ourselves healthy and safe.  We will talk about being physically active, healthy friendships and healthy bodies.

Understanding the World 

In this unit, we learn about the different animals and their habitats. We will explore the natural world around us and make observations of animals and the environment. We will look at similarities and difference between the natural world around them and other environments.

We will talk about different celebrations: Easter, Eid and  Holi and encountering stories from these religions.  The children will have opportunities  to recognise that people have different beliefs and celebrate special times in different ways. We will also explore how some Christians celebrate Easter by looking at different books, resources and activities.

Expressive Arts and Design

Children will be given opportunities to remember and sing entire songs. We will be working on building an exciting repertoire of new songs and playing instruments with increasing control. We will be exploring colour  using tools to create our own Kandinsky and Hundertwasser inspired artworks. Children will have opportunities to talk about the processes they followed to create their artwork, what they like, dislike and even how they could make it even better!

 Reception Gallery
