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Kingsleigh Primary School


Reception Team

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This half term we will reading and learning new vocabulary from a variety of books linked to our theme ‘All About Me’. We will read stories linked to our theme and give opportunities for children to engage to conversations about the books.

Some of our key texts are:

We All Belong: A Children's Book About Diversity, Race and Empathy          The Great Big Book of Families    Mixed: An Inspiring Story About Colour    Marvelous Me: Inside and Out (All about Me) : Bullard, Lisa, Reibeling,  Brandon: Amazon.co.uk: Books     

We will begin our 'Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle' sessions. We will use dance and large movements to help the children to develop the fine muscle control they need for writing and drawing. They will learn a new gross motor movement to a piece of music.  In our writing, we will be practising the new graphemes and continuing to work hard to use the correct pencil grip. There will also be lots of opportunities in our continuous provision for writing and mark making.

Phonics – This half term we will be beginning our Little Wandle Phonics lessons and learn the phase 2 graphemes.  The new content that we will be learning this term is: 

Reception Reading Flyer


We will be using the Early Years Numbersense Maths Programme to build on the children's starting points. We will be developing key skills of subitising, manipulating, and partitioning of numbers to 10 to gain a deep understanding of number.  This half term we will be singing lots of number songs - like 'Five Little Speckled Frogs' and  'Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer', to help children develop number knowledge in a fun and low pressured way.  Children  will be singing number rhymes throughout the day to help them to become familiar with numbers and the patterns between them. We will also be exploring properties of shapes by fitting them together and building exciting  models.

Other Areas of Learning

Other Areas of the Curriculum
Personal, social and emotional 

We understand how important it is for your child to feel settled and happy.  At Kingsleigh Primary School the big focus of the first half term in Reception, is getting to know the children and settling them into school. We support the children to share and take turns with new friends, whilst exploring their new indoor and outdoor environments. Managing their own needs, particularly thorough handwashing and regular toileting, is another aspect we actively encourage. 

We use our school values of Rizzy Respect, Planet Belonging and Astro Aspiration, to help the children understand the routines of the day, how to listen carefully and why listening is important. The children really enjoy receiving green and gold stickers for their hard work and demonstrating the school values!


In our Jigsaw sessions this half term we will be working on the unit 'Being Me in My World'. We will be talk about what makes us unique and special. We will also learn about feelings and think about what makes us happy and sad, as well as being kind to each other.  

Understanding the World

Through the theme of 'All About Me', children will have opportunities to talk about their family members and their community.  We will be excited to visit Forest School to explore seasons and weather change. Children will have opportunities to show an interest in the natural world and ask and answer questions about Autumn. 

Expressive Arts and Design

Children will be given opportunities to remember and sing entire songs. We will be working on building an exciting repertoire of new songs and playing instruments with increasing control. Through the Autumn term, we will be exploring colour and colour mixing.

 Reception Gallery
