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Kingsleigh Primary School

Year 1

Year 1 Team

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The Wider Curriculum

Geography- In Geography we will be learning all about the countries in the United Kingdom. We will be learning that the United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Island and learn to locate these countries on a map. We will learn about all four of these countries and find out what local delicacies and traditions people follow who live in each of the four countries.


DT- In Design Technology we will be basing our work around the traditional tale of 'Goldilocks'. We'll use our planning skills to design a chair for one of the three bears. We will evaluate our designs and final outcome by deciding if we have made a strong, table chair for a bear.
Music - In Music this half term we will be exploring all different kinds of sounds. We will be using the pitch in our voices to make different sounds and experimenting with the sounds that our voices can make. Additionally we will be listening to a range of different music and appraising it ourselves, considering what we like and don't like about it.
Computing - In computing we will be Lego Builders and learn to follow instructions to complete different tasks. This will develop the early skills of programming. We will then consider if the given result has achieved the intent of the instruction. 
RE- We are learning about Hinduism this half term in RE. We will be learning all about the Holi Festival and thinking about how this is a time to celebrate and show thanks to God. We will be learning important Hindu stories and considering why they are important to the faith.
Science - In Science we will be learning all about animals and how they are categorised. We will learn what a mammal, reptile, bird, fish and amphibian is and sort animals into different categories based on their appearance. We will also be considering how animals can be grouped based on what they eat and learning what a herbivore, omnivore and carnivore eats.
PE - This half term we will be perfecting our teamwork skills, playing a range of team sports. We will be playing Hockey, Lacross, Badminton, Handball, Volleyball.
Jigsaw - In Jigsaw this half term we will be working on the unit 'Heathy Me'. We will be learning how important it is to keep ourselves healthy by eating good food and ensuring that we exercise regularly. 




English - This half term we will be working hard to perfect our simple sentence writing by including a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop in our sentences. We will use the book 'Where the Wild Things Are' to learn our new key skill, adding 's' to the end of words to make plurals.
Handwriting - We will be continuing to perfect our formation of initial sounds by working on capital letters and how they are formed differently to lower case letters. We will be applying this to our sentence writing while using a capital letter at the start of our sentences and for names of people. 
Phonics - This half term we will be continuing to learn all of the Phase 5 alternative phonemes. 

The content that we will be learning this half term is:

Reading - This half term we will be reading 'Where the Wild Things are' and working hard on our comprehension skills by finding evidence in the text to back up our answers. We will be learning a Poem 'When I Was One' off by heart and performing it to the school on World Book Day. 




Maths - This half term we will be learning about subtraction. We will be learning to use tens frames to support us to answer subtraction number sentences. Once we have secured this we will use a number line to answer subtraction number sentences by counting back. We will then be moving on to Place Value within 50 and investigating how numbers to 20 are made up of tens and ones.


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Year 1