Year 2
Year 2 Team
Click here to see the Year 2 team
The Wider Curriculum
Science: We will learn that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults and that these can be live young or eggs. We will talk about how all animals need to feed, drink and breathe to survive. We will explore how to be healthy and how we need the right amounts and types of food and exercise to grow into healthy adults. We will also learn about Good hygiene and how it is important in preventing infections and illnesses. To improve our skills to gather and record data we will use heart rate monitors to see the effects of exercise on the body.
Geography: In geography we will be learning all about weather in the UK and around the world. We will begin by looking at hot and cold areas around the world and locate the equator and the North and South Poles on a globe. Then we will focus on the UK’s climate. We will explore how and why the weather changes daily and compare different parts of the UK. During our lessons we will also look at the different seasons. Finally, we will create a weather diary over the course of a week and compare to other parts of the UK.
DT: DT lessons will focus on food around the world. We will start by tasting real dishes from each continent in the world. We will then learn about a range of classic pizzas and taste test them. We will explore how choosing pizza toppings carefully can help towards a healthy, balanced diet. Finally we will get the chance to each design and make our own pizza thinking about shape, toppings and how to make it innovative.
Jigsaw: In Jigsaw we will be celebrating our healthy bodies and minds! We will remind ourselves of how to keep our bodies healthy. We will also talk about how to relax and how important it is to stay calm. We will sort food into the correct food groups and talk about a healthy diet. We will also explore how medicines work in our bodies and how important it is to use them safely.
RE: During R.E lessons we will explore what Christians believe Jesus taught about God in his parables. We will begin by reading some parables and talk about the message behind each one. Then we will explore how ideas about God are passed on in the Christian community. We will finally learn about how these ideas have been passed on for thousands of years and how the church is where Christians share their faith in the community.
Writing- In our writing units, we will be using our whole class reading book ‘Kitty and the tiger treasure’ to learn new skills in our own writing. We will be learning how to use apostrophes for possession and in contractions. We will focus on using adjectives to describe characters and settings. We will explore the different parts of a story and use this to create our own narratives about our own super hero!
Handwriting- We will continue to use practise using our joined handwriting within whole words daily. Many children are now joining their letters and this will be a focus for the half term in handwriting sessions and all other lessons where writing is involved.
Spelling/phonics- In phonics we will continue to work in ability groups to close gaps in phonic knowledge or move onto spelling more complex Year Two words.
Reading: All children will read three times a week in a small group session according to their ability. They will also have daily whole class reading sessions which will develop their comprehension of the text. We will begin by reading ‘Kitty and the tiger treasure’ and use skills from the author in our own writing.
Maths: In maths we are continuing to apply our knowledge of multiplication and division to real life problems. We will also be working on measure with a focus on length to begin with. After this we will explore mass, capacity and temperature using practical equipment and using our knowledge of the four operations to solve problems within this. Once a week the whole class will work on a problem solving activity where they will be encouraged to explain how they would solve a problem using mathematical vocabulary. The children will also have a short number sense activity daily.
Year 2 Gallery
Year 2