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Kingsleigh Primary School

Year 2

Welcome Event Year 2 - Monday 9th Sep 2024

Year 2 Team

Click here to see the Year 2 team

The Wider Curriculum


Science: In Science, we will be exploring living things and their habitats. By the end of the unit, the children will be able to understand that living things are plants (including seeds) and animals, dead things include dead animals and plants and that never living things include rocks, metal and plastic. The children will also be learning about habitats and will be doing some work in Forest school to learn about what a habitat is and how it provides the basic needs such as shelter, food and water. The children will also be learning that within a habitat there are different micro-habitats which have different conditions. Finally, the children will be learning about food chains, and how animals obtain food from plants and other animals within their habitats. 
Geography: In Geography we will begin by ensuring the children have remembered key facts about the UK including its countries, capital cities and surrounding seas.  Finally, we will look at key landmarks including the Seven Wonders of the world and which continents can they be found on.
DT: This half term we will be designing and making a Christmas decoration.  We will begin by researching and evaluating Christmas decorations.  The children will be taught how to do a blanket stitch using a needle and thread.  They will then plan their own Christmas sewing design, make it and finally evaluate it.  These decorations will then be brought home for your trees at home!
Jigsaw:  In Jigsaw we will be celebration difference by discussing stereotypes and that sometimes assumptions are made about boys and girls. We will look at understanding that bullying is sometimes about difference and work on recognising what is right and wrong and know how to look after ourselves. We will talk about how it is ok to be different from other people.  
RE: During R.E lessons we will be studying Christianity and how Christians believe Jesus.  Came to earth to help and save others.   We will learn that Christians believe that God decided to show the world how much he loved his people by coming to earth as the baby Jesus.  We will discuss why Christians believe Jesus is the saviour and rescuer of the world.  Finally, we will Talk about advent and why it is such a special time of year for Christians.


Music: In music, the children will be exploring with a variety of songs and rhymes which encourage finding and keeping the steady beat. They will be exploring with different  pitches and rhythmical patterns.  They will be listening and responding to a variety of music from different genres and learning songs based on these musical styles. They will have a chance to  explore with a variety of  tuned and untuned percussion instruments and will use these to create small improvisations and compositions. 


Writing- In our writing units, we will be using our whole class reading books to learn new skills in our own writing.  We will focus on using adjectives to describe characters and settings.  We will explore the different parts of a story and use this to create our own narratives.  We will also focus on suffixes I words especially the -ly suffix. 
Handwriting- We will continue to use lead in and out lines with a focus on zig-zag letters (v, x, y and z).  Many children are ready to start joining their letters and this will be a focus for the half term in handwriting sessions and all other lessons where writing is involved.
Spelling/phonics- In phonics we will continue to work in ability groups to close gaps in phonic knowledge or move onto spelling more complex Year Two words.
Reading: All children will read three times a week in a small group session according to their ability.  They will also have daily whole class reading sessions which will develop their comprehension of the text.  We will begin by reading ‘Sea of dreams’ and use skills from the author in our own writing.




In maths, we are continuing to apply are knowledge of place value to addition and subtraction problems.  We will be using dienes to support us and then moving onto using place value counters.  To extend our learning, the children will also solve problems in addition and subtraction where the ten is crossed and an exchange is needed.  Once a week the whole class will work on a problem solving activity where they will be encouraged to explain how they would solve a problem using mathematical vocabulary.  The children will also have a short number sense activity daily.

Year 2 Gallery 

Year 2