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Kingsleigh Primary School

Year 3

Welcome Event Year 3 - Tuesday 10th Sep 2024

 Year 3 Team

Click here to see the Year 3 team

The Wider Curriculum

Science: This term we will be developing our knowledge about features of plants and discovering the importance of their functions. We will explore the life cycle of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. Finally we will finish our unit by creating seed classification charts.


History: This half term in history, we will be learning about the Roman army and why they were so successful. We will research different Roman invasions and learn how their aspirational attitude led them to conquer Britain. During this unit we will looking at how powerful the Roman’s were by investigating how much of the world they had conquered. We will look at the chronology of the Roman invasions and how they followed the Iron Age.

Our Art lessons this half term will explore print making with a focus on the work by designer William Morris. The children will begin their learning with an exploration of printing with different materials, both man-made and natural. They will go on to look at the pattern, repetition and colour used in Indian block printing and will apply the ideas in their own work. The children's final piece will be based on the work of William Morris, having had the time to design and practise printing using their own printing blocks. 


Jigsaw: In Jigsaw we will be looking at the unit ‘Dreams and Goals’. During this unit, we will be discussing our own dreams and goals, how to aspire to achieve these goals by breaking it down into achievable steps to keep us motivated. We will show respect and admiration for people who overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams and goals as well as, understanding that I am responsible for my own learning and can use our strengths as learners to achieve the challenges that we might face.


RE: In RE this half term we will be answering the question, why are good stewardship and generous giving important for every Christian? We will be learning that Christians believe that God owns the world and everything in it and that people are like stewards who look after the world on God’s behalf. We will be looking at Jesus’ parable of the talents and understand why some Christians give an offering of money to their church.



Reading- During the Autumn term we will be reading the Iron Man by Ted Hughes.


We will be developing our skills learnt in the first term, through retrieving, interpreting characters thoughts and feelings, predicting what will happen next in stories, ordering events and looking at the authors choices and the effect this has on the reader.

Our reading for pleasure book this half term is:  We will continue to read The Explorer by Katherine Rundell.



Some other books children may be interested in around our topics and book of authors being read in school this half term are: 


Writing- In our writing unit, we are going be using our guided reading book, The Iron Man to develop our non- fiction writing. The purpose of our writing will be to inform our reader of an event via the style of a newspaper. We will be focusing on using prepositions and learn to organise our writing using paragraphs. We will use passages from the text to inspire our writing inform people of the destruction the Iron Man caused to the farm leading to the children writing their own newspaper report, informing their readers of another destructive act!

Handwriting- During Spring 1, we will be developing our handwriting by focusing on double letter joins (such as ggnnmm, and oo), writing numerals, and learning about palindromes (sentences or words spelled the same forwards and backwards).


Spelling- This half term we will be learning spelling rules for adding the prefixes un-, dis, mis, in and re. and looking at the ‘s’ sound spelt with a c before e, i and y.

Recommended Reads for Year 3

Reading at KPS - Information for parents

 Writing tips


Maths: In maths we will be developing our knowledge of the four operations using arrays to help us with multiplication, leading into grid method when we begin to look at multiplying larger numbers. In division, we will recap sharing and grouping as well as using place value grids to support division of larger numbers. We will be looking at this written method alongside practical resources to develop our understanding. 

 Year 3 Gallery 


Year 3