Year 3
Year 3 Team
Click here to see the Year 3 team
The Wider Curriculum
Science: This term we will be developing our knowledge of animals including humans. We will expand our knowledge of food groups and what nutrients each food group contains need to keep us healthy and plan a healthy weekly meal plan. We will also look at the skeletal and muscular system and learn the scientific names for key muscles and bones, and will look at how they protect our organs, help us move and keep upright!
In Geography, we will be exploring and comparing two exciting capital cities—London and Rome. Through a series of fun, hands-on activities, we will become geography detectives, discovering how these cities are both similar and different.
We will begin by learning about the landscapes of Italy and England, identifying important human and physical features. We will use maps to locate Rome and London and explore the unique landmarks, rivers, and natural environments in each country.
Next, we will investigate the climates of both cities and discover how the weather affects what can grow there. We will also learn how these natural resources are used for trade with other countries.
By the end of the unit, we will use all of our new knowledge to compare London and Rome, answering the big enquiry question: How is London the same as Rome, and how is it different?
DT: In design and technology, we will be designing, making and evaluating our own Puppet Theatre and backdrop. The children will select and use a wide range of materials and textiles according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities and use a wide range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks [for example, cutting, shaping, joining and finishing], accurately. They will build a stable structure using dowels that they have cut with a saw, with the help of an adult, and use a range of tools including scissors, glue and tape to attach wooden walls and a backdrop.
Jigsaw: Our Jigsaw unit this half term is Healthy Me. Thinking about the importance of physical activity for our physical health, the children will each set themselves a physical challenge, to try to improve how they exercise. We will also be looking at foods which are healthier and those that are less healthy, to help the children to make healthier choices. We will consider the ways drugs/ medication can help us and how to be safe around them. The children will consider ways to keep themselves safe in situations that feel unsafe and how to seek support. Our children and their bodies are amazing! We will be reflecting on our respect value throughout the unit and the ways the children can respect themselves and their bodies.
RE: We will be considering what Christians mean when the talk about the kingdom of God. The children will consider what kingdom means to them and what a good kingdom would be like, and how a good ruler/ king should be. The children will learn that the kingdom of God for Christians is not a place, but it is present whenever people live God’s way. We will learn about the Christian concept of the kingdom of God through the Lord’s prayer, biblical narrative, Christian community practise and Christian living.
Reading- During Spring 2, we will be reading Hodgeheg by Dick King- Smith
We will be developing our skills learnt, through using our skill of skimming and scanning the text to retrieve, infer using the information from the text to justify and understand word meanings.
Our reading for pleasure book this half term is:
Some other books children may be interested in around our topics and book of authors being read in school this half term are:
Writing- In our writing unit, we are going be using our guided reading book, The Hodgeheg, to develop our skills in letter writing. The purpose of our writing will be to persuade the reader to adopt behaviours to keep safe whilst crossing the road. We will be focusing on using conjunctions, including when, so, because and before and will continue to develop our use of paragraphs. Our final letter will be writing to Max, the hedgehog in our story, explaining what is in place to keep him safe.
Handwriting- In our handwriting unit we will be developing our writing skills by using onomatopoeia, similes, and adjectives to create exciting descriptions. We will also focus on spelling words with double letters (zz, ss, rr), practicing letter joining, and using dictation to support writing accuracy and fluency.
Spelling- This half term we will be spelling words from the Year 3/4 lists that have words within them (e.g. heart), spelling contracted words (haven’t) and learning that ‘ou’ makes an ‘u’ sound in words such as cousin. We will also be creating word families using the same root word but adding prefixes and suffixes (act, acted, acting, action, interact, actor, actress, reaction) and learning more homophones / near homophones.
Reading at KPS - Information for parents
Writing tips
Maths: In maths we will be developing our knowledge of fractions we will understand what a numerator and a denominator is how we can compare fractions. We will also look at equivalent fractions and fractions on a number.
We will recap and expand our knowledge of measure looking at length, mass and capacity. We will investigate measuring in different units, using the correct equipment and appropriate unit of measure for different objects. Furthermore, we will be looking at applying our addition and subtraction knowledge learnt earlier in the year to add and subtract different measurements and make comparisons.
Year 3 Gallery
Year 3