Year 4
Year 4 Team
Click here to see the Year 4 team
The Wider Curriculum
The children will be designing and making a small scale bicycle helmet to help them understand shell structures. They will explore how shell structures distribute loads and how this makes them strong. The children will evaluate their product in terms of their stability and strength.
In RE, the children will be building on their knowledge of Judaism. They will think about the story of Exodus and learn how this was God’s rescue of the Jewish nation from Egyptian slavery. The children will learn about the first covenant with God and how Jewish people believe that the rainbow is a sign of this.
The children will be using their map skills to locate Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Russia. We will be focusing on Iceland and will explore the geographical features of this country such as mountains, glaciers and volcanoes. The children will think about the climate of Iceland and why they rely on importing food from other countries.
The children will be learning about animals and living things. As part of this, we will be exploring the different teeth humans have and what each type of tooth is used for. We will then apply this knowledge to the teeth of animals and consider what clues this gives us about the diet of different creatures. The children will learn about the digestive system and track the journey of food from the mouth through our bodies. They will enjoy a stomach churning, but fun science demonstration to learn the process!
The children will be exploring how to use technology to write for different audiences. They will learn that technology can be used to organise, reorganise, develop, and explore ideas and that working with information in this way can aid understanding. We will think about how font size and style can affect the impact of a text. The children will think about what details are important in a newspaper story and how they can organise information to engage the reader.
Our Jigsaw puzzle piece this term is Healthy Me. The children will consider the facts about smoking and alcohol and the effects these have on health. We will discuss what healthy friendships are and how we can respond to peer pressure. We will also think about how we have different friendship groups and how we take different roles in groups.
This term, the children will be learning how to apply fundamental skills to different sports. They will use the basic principles of attacking and defending through a broader range of team games including tennis, badminton, table tennis and volleyball. Year 4 will also be starting swimming lessons where they will learn new strokes and build upon water skills they have.
In reading, we will be reading Podkin One Ear by Kieran Larwood. This is a story about a courageous rabbit and his battle with the fearsome Gorm! Podkin and his sister Paz find themselves running for their lives when their own burrow is taken over by the Gorm on Bramblemas Eve. The children will be building on their reading skills and then applying these skills to a variety of text types such as poetry.
The children will be using Podkin One Ear to think about how the author has created suspense and the impact this has on the reader. The children will think about how to show how a character is feeling without explicitly telling the reader. We will explore how to use the weather, darkness and shadows to create a sense of suspense. The children will be building on their understanding of paragraphing and will learn the different reasons for starting a new paragraph.
Reading at KPS - Information for parents
The maths focus this term will be on decimals. They will build upon their understanding of fractions and relate this to their new knowledge of decimals. The children will be using visual resources to show their deeper understanding of decimals. Year 4 will continue to have daily times table fluency lessons and will be reinforcing their understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division. The children will also have daily soundcheck sessions using Times Table Rockstars in preparation for the MTC test later this year.
Year 4 Gallery
Year 4