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Kingsleigh Primary School

Year 4

Welcome Event Year 4 - Thursday 12th September 2024

Year 4 Team

Click here to see the Year 4 team

The Wider Curriculum


In DT, the children will be using their knowledge of electricity and circuits to design and make a Christmas light up decoration. We will be exploring existing products and creating a product with a target consumer in mind.



Our focus religion for this half term is Islam. The children will be thinking about the different ways that Muslims show their beliefs and why it is important for them to pray fives times each day. We will also explore how Muslims believe that Muhammed is the messenger of God and that he is the last prophet.



We will be exploring how the UK is divided into different areas. The children will use their map skills to locate different counties. The children will investigate the human and physical features that can be found in different counties.








The children will be learning about sound and thinking about how sound is made. They will look at the ear and explore how vibrations travel though the ear. The children will investigate how pitch and volume can be changed. They will make string telephones to help them to explain how sound travels.



The children will be about what spreadsheets are and the purpose of them. We will be looking at different spreadsheets and consider how the information is presented and why it is useful. The children will be using a spreadsheet program to create their own spreadsheets.



In music, we will be continuing to learn to play the recorder and will be working towards a performance during the festive period. We will be listening to music and thinking about why what we like about each piece and the impact it has on the listener.



Our Jigsaw puzzle piece this term is Celebrating Difference. We will be thinking about how that, sometimes, we make assumptions based on what people look like. We will think about how we are special and what makes each of us unique.



This term, we will be looking at invasion Games such as rugby, football and netball. In dance, the children will be learning hip hop and line dance styles and thinking about how these are different.



In reading, we will be reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo. This is an amazing story of a lost china rabbit and the characters he meets along the way. Edward’s journey helps him realise the true meaning of friendship. The children will be considering how the author uses vocabulary and the impact this has on the reader.



The children will be using The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo to think about the skills the author uses to weave the story. We will be exploring emotive language and thinking about how our choices as a writer shows this. The children will be thinking about the difference between past and present tense and using this to help them write a diary entry from Edward’s perspectiv

Recommended Reads for Year 4

Reading at KPS - Information for parents



The maths focus this term will be addition and subtraction. The children will be using practical resources to show their deeper understanding of the process of these calculation methods. We will be using a range of pictorial representations including bar modelling before introducing the children to formal written methods.

 Year 4 Gallery

Vicky from Dogs Trust came to talk to us about dog safety. She taught us some interesting facts and showed us how to be safe around dogs - https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/

Year 4