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Kingsleigh Primary School

Year 5 

Welcome Event Year 5 - Wednesday 11th Sep 24
/docs/Welcome_Parent_Event_24_25_1.pdfSlideshow: Year 5 Gallery

Year 5 Team

Click here to see the Year 5 team

The Wider Curriculum

Science: This half term our focus will be properties and changes to materials. The children will be exploring how materials can change when heated, cooled, dissolved or filtered. We will perform different experiments that will explore the changes to the materials and conclude which ones are reversible and irreversible. We will also understand the uses of different materials and understand how their properties are fit for certain purposes.

Computing: over the half term, the children will be understanding how we can use spreadsheets to read and record data. They will explore how to present data in clear and concise ways that supports the readers understanding. The children will also begin work on concept maps to help their logical understanding and thinking skills.  We will continue to learn subject specific language too.

Jigsaw: in this half term, we will thinking about our dreams and goals for the future. We will be aspirational in our aims and begin to think about what steps we need to take to become the best version of ourselves in the future.  

Art: in art, we will be exploring the work of 2 famous artists in Charles McGee and Henri Matisse. Their work will become inspiration for us as we make our own 3D collages based on their ideas. We will use different mediums within our collages to help develop and release our artist expression.   

Music: This half term, we will be looking at singing and playing in different styles with different grooves is part of being in a band or an ensemble. We learn about music from all around the world and explore how the tempo can alter the audience’s perception of the music.

History: The Ancient Greeks will become our new history topic this half term. We will learn about where it fits within our existing knowledge of chronology and begin to understand how their lives impacted our own. We will think about how Gods and religion played a vital part in their world and why the Ancient Greeks built monuments and statues.  

RE: as we begin this term, we will explore the religion of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism). We will learn about the spiritual pathways in scripture and why it is important for all those who worship and follow the religion. The children will make links to other religions we have learnt about this year and in previous years too.

PE: the children will be continuing to develop skills they have learnt previously as we head into the term. We will use team games such as hockey, lacrosse and handball to enhance teamwork and hand-eye co-ordination. Boccia and new age curling will also form part of our learning as we develop skills attributed to these new sports.


Recommended Reads for Year 5

Reading at KPS - Information for parents

Our reading and writing focus this half term will be around the Roald Dahl classic ‘The BFG’. We will be exploring the adventures of Sophie and The BFG as they try to stop the terrible giants from their sinister plans. We will begin writing our own openings to the story focusing of using different grammatical features and including suspense features to create atmosphere for the reader. As we continue reading about the giants from the story, we will create non-chronological reports about giants and continue our understanding of different grammatical features such as headings, subheadings, paragraphing and more.

Spellings: spellings play a vital part to our writing, and we will be on using ei after c, silent letters and -cious/-tious ending words this half term. As we expand our knowledge and skill set with spellings, we will apply these spelling rules to our own writing across various curriculum areas.  


Maths: this half term, we will be focusing on multiplication and division. We will use our existing knowledge of times tables to support our learning of written formal methods. Short multiplication will become the starting focus before moving to long multiplication. We will then be exploring formal methods of division too. We will learn how to divide with remainders and become more efficient mathematicians by using all our newly learnt skills.  We will use a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to continually support all children with our unit.

 Year 5 Gallery


Year 5