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Kingsleigh Primary School

Year 5 

Year 5 Team

Click here to see the Year 5 team

The Wider Curriculum

Science: This half term we will continue our focus will be properties and changes to materials. The children will be exploring how materials can change when heated, cooled, dissolved or filtered. We will perform different experiments that will explore the changes to the materials and conclude which ones are reversible and irreversible. We will also understand the uses of different materials and understand how their properties are fit for certain purposes.
Computing: over the half term, the children will be understanding how we can use databases to understand information that is shared. They will explore how databases can be filtered to find relative information before collecting data and presenting it. We will continue to learn subject specific language too.
Jigsaw: in this half term, we will completing our Healthy Me unit. We will think about how we can respect our bodies with the choices we make to ensure we are living and promoting healthy lifestyles.  
DT: our focus for the half term will be Marble Mazes. The children will think about different cutting techniques for a range of resources to ensure the best outcomes. They will design and make prototypes to help work like engineers and configure their marble mazes using a variety of resources.  
Music: This half term, we will be looking at composing chords in different styles. We will recap previously taught skills and learn how to apply those skills to a range of instruments and ensembles.
Geography: our the course of the half term, we will explore the natural phenomenon of earthquakes. We will learn how they are caused and explore the different types of earthquakes too. We will understand how the geographical makeup of countries can lead to a larger number of earthquakes to others too.  
RE: throughout the half term, we will develop our understanding of the Jewish faith. Judaism has many links across different religions and we will explore the religious links throughout the unit. We will explore holy texts and understand what it means to be a good person for those who follow the faith.  
PE: children will continually apply previously taught skills to new units this half term. We will have a focus on net and wall games with children playing competitive games where appropriate. Tennis, badminton, table tennis and volleyball will be the focus sports during the lessons so the children can apply basic principles for attacking and defending.


Recommended Reads for Year 5

Reading at KPS - Information for parents

Reading and writing: 
Our reading and writing this half term will focus on a classic, Charlotte’s Web. We will explore the themes of friendship and adventure whilst developing our retrieval and inference skills. As we read, we will understand where the story takes place and understand how the events can be seen from different points of view. During our writing, we will begin with a focus on cohesive devices to help write a diary entry from a point of view of one of the characters before we move onto writing our own alternative ending to the story.
Spellings: spellings play a vital part to our writing, and we will be focusing on silent letters and using different suffixes to add to root words. As we expand our knowledge and skill set with spellings, we will apply these spelling rules to our own writing across various curriculum areas. 


Maths: over the course of the half term, we will be focusing on fractions, decimals and percentages. We will use our existing knowledge to support our new learning and continually develop our fluency with arithmetic skills. The children will learn what percentages are and how we can calculate fractions and percentages of amounts.   We will look to understand how to convert between percentages, decimals and fractions and how we can apply this knowledge and understanding to real life contexts.  

 Year 5 Gallery


Year 5