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Kingsleigh Primary School

Wider Curriculum Intent

At Kingsleigh, our curriculum has been designed to ensure all pupils can fulfil their potential and our school is a place 'where everyone can be great!' We have created a curriculum that is engaging and makes meaningful connections to the world around us, preparing children to become successful, aspirational citizens. The teaching of every subject helps us to embed our core school values of belong, aspire and respect.
Within our curriculum, we have built meaningful links to our local community across all subject areas. We develop teamwork through engaging group activities.
The concept of showing respect to others is explicitly taught through our PSHE lessons and is an embedded part of school culture. Manners and kindness are promoted in assemblies and modelled by all staff working with children.  Developing respect and the celebration of different cultures and religions are key themes across many subjects.
Our curriculum prepares children to become successful, aspirational citizens. All children are challenged through our high expectations of all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs. Pupils understand that they are expected to try their best across all subjects in our wider curriculum.
  All of our wider curriculum subjects promote the understanding and embedding of our school values.


Curriculum Implementation

To ensure our curriculum is broad, balanced and progressive we have carefully sequenced our whole-school learning across Key Stage 1 and 2. Our carefully sequenced curriculum combines acquiring secure subject knowledge alongside learning skills relevant to each subject. The core knowledge for each unit has been identified and these are taught as VIPs (Very Important Points), alongside a focus skill that the children work on to develop. During our curriculum lessons, we ensure children are building on prior learning, regularly practise the retrieval of core knowledge and allow for repeated practice. We seek to ensure our children know more and remember more over time. We use assessment effectively to ensure that children have secured learning.
Our curriculum is designed with subjects being taught weekly to ensure pupils retain knowledge and have regular practise in the subject-specific skills. In order for there to be enough available time within our weekly timetables to give individual subjects the time needed to teach them effectively, some subjects are taught every other half term. This enables us to still revisit and build on prior knowledge effectively.  PSHE is taught weekly using the Jigsaw programme. PE is taught twice a week by our PE specialists, and French is also taught weekly in Key Stage 2.
The whole school curriculum design is;

Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1077)